Witam chciałbym zdublować a nawet potroić to pole daty urodzenia, zrobiłem kopie dodałem 1 w odpowiednich miejscach kodu by tworzyło nową bazę danych i odpowiednio w tych samych miejscach by zapisywało, ale zmienia mi w 2 tę samą datę.
Mniemam że chodzi pewnie o to $profile_method ale jak tam dodam 1 to znika pole i pokazuje błąd.
Oto cały oryginalny kod
| PHP-Fusion Content Management System |
| Copyright © 2002 - 2012 Nick Jones |
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/ |
| This program is released as free software under the |
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or |
| modify it under the terms of this license which you |
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online |
| at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this |
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without |
| written permission from the original author(s). |
| Birthdate User Field |
| Copyright © 2012 PHP-Fusion.at Development Team |
| http://www.php-fusion.at/ |
| http://development.php-fusion.at/ |
| Filename: user_birthdate_include.php |
| Fileversion: 1.0 |
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) {
die("Access denied");
// Handle Display, viewed by all
if ($profile_method == "display") {
if (isset($user_data['user_birthdate']) && $user_data['user_birthdate'] != "0000-00-00") {
$user_birthdate = explode("-", $user_data['user_birthdate']);
$months = explode("|", $locale['months']);
// neue Berechnung:
$today = date("Ymd");
$birthday = $user_birthdate[0].$user_birthdate[1].$user_birthdate[2];
$years = floor(($today - $birthday) / 10000);
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='tbl1'>".$locale['uf_birthdate']."</td>\n";
echo "<td class='tbl1' align='right'>".number_format($user_birthdate[2]).". ".$months[number_format($user_birthdate[1])]." ".$user_birthdate[0]." (".$years." ".($years == 1 ? $locale['uf_birthdate_year'] : $locale['uf_birthdate_years']).")</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// Handle Input, only if admin or unregistered
elseif ($profile_method == "input") {
if (isset($user_data['user_birthdate'])) {
$user_birthdate = $user_data['user_birthdate'];
} else {
$user_birthdate = "0000-00-00";
$user_birthdate = explode("-", $user_birthdate);
$months = explode("|", $locale['months']);
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='tbl".$this -> getErrorClass("user_birthdate")."'><label for='user_day'>".$locale['uf_birthdate'].$required."</label></td>\n";
echo "<td class='tbl".$this -> getErrorClass("user_birthdate")."'>\n";
echo "<select name='user_day' id='user_day' class='textbox'>\n";
echo "<option value='00'".($user_birthdate[2] == "00" ? " selected='selected'" : "").">".$locale['uf_birthdate_day']."</option>\n";
for ($j = 1; $j <= 31; $j++) {
echo "<option value='".$j."'".($user_birthdate[2] == $j ? " selected='selected'" : "").">".$j."</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "<select name='user_month' id='user_month' class='textbox'>\n";
echo "<option value='00'".($user_birthdate[1] == "00" ? " selected='selected'" : "").">".$locale['uf_birthdate_month']."</option>\n";
for ($j = 1; $j <= 12; $j++) {
echo "<option value='".$j."'".($user_birthdate[1] == $j ? " selected='selected'" : "").">".$months[$j]."</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "<select name='user_year' id='user_year' class='textbox'>\n";
echo "<option value='00'".($user_birthdate[0] == "0000" ? " selected='selected'" : "").">".$locale['uf_birthdate_year']."</option>\n";
for ($j = date("Y"); (date("Y") - 99) <= $j; $j--) {
echo "<option value='".$j."'".($user_birthdate[0] == $j ? " selected='selected'" : "").">".$j."</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
if ($required) {
$this -> setRequiredJavaScript("user_day", $locale['uf_birthdate_error']);
$this -> setRequiredJavaScript("user_month", $locale['uf_birthdate_error']);
$this -> setRequiredJavaScript("user_year", $locale['uf_birthdate_error']);
// Handle Register and Update, Update only if admin or unregistered
elseif ($profile_method == "validate_insert" || $profile_method == "validate_update") {
$user_day = "00";
$user_month = "00";
$user_year = "0000";
if (isset($_POST['user_day']) && isNum($_POST['user_day']) && $_POST['user_day'] != "00") {
$user_day = $_POST['user_day'];
if (isset($_POST['user_month']) && isNum($_POST['user_month']) && $_POST['user_month'] != "00") {
$user_month = $_POST['user_month'];
if (isset($_POST['user_year']) && isNum($_POST['user_year']) && $_POST['user_year'] != "0000") {
$user_year = $_POST['user_year'];
if (($user_day != "00" && $user_month != "00" && $user_year != "0000") || $this -> _isNotRequired("user_birthdate")) {
$this -> _setDBValue("user_birthdate", $user_year."-".str_pad($user_month, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)."-".str_pad($user_day, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT));
} else {
$this -> _setError("user_birthdate", $locale['uf_birthdate_error'], TRUE);
Jak najprościej to zdublować z góry dzięki za pomoc i sugestie pozdro all.
PW od moderatora:
- Przeniesienie tematu - khaman 14.04.2021 18:37
Edytowane przez adi dnia 15.04.2021 11:58:08