
Postów: 29 Ostrzeżeń: 2
v7.02.07 Data rejestracji: 06.12.2014 17:03
Witam. Małe pytanko bo tak właśnie planuje zmienić wygląd mojej stronki (testowej). Doszedłem do tego jak zrobić aby tło newsów i tak dalej było przezroczyste wystarczy w background-color: none; wpisać ale pozostają dookoła takie tabelki i to mi się właśnie nie podoba. Więc:
1. Jak usunąć te tabelki dookoła newsów i paneli?
2. Jak wstawić tło obrazkowe? Słyszałem, że w styles.css w body dopisuję background-image:url(/folder/nazwa_z_rozszerzeniem); lecz to mi nie działa.
3. Jak zrobić przezroczyste tło nawigacji?
4. Jak zrobić przezroczyste tło dolnej stopki to wszystko co jest tam wstawione copyright i tak dalej.
Zależy mi na tym aby nie było tych ramek dookoła gdy już zmienię tło na przezroczyste danego panelu. Z góry dziękuję za pomoc.
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| PHP-Fusion Content Management System
| Copyright Š 2002 - 2012 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Name: FP Crisp Ice Theme
| Filename: theme.php
| Author: Fangree Productions
| Version: v1.00
| Developers: Fangree_Craig
| Site: http://www.fangree.com
| CONTRABUTIONS: News & Forum icons from Stylo by Falcon
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { die("Access Denied"); }
require_once INCLUDES."theme_functions_include.php";
define("THEME_WIDTH", "100%");
define("THEME_BULLET", "<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.png' alt='' style='vertical-align:middle; border: 0px;'/>");
set_image("author", THEME."images/author.png");
set_image("date", THEME."images/date.png");
set_image("reads", THEME."images/reads.png");
set_image("comments", THEME."images/comments.png");
set_image("readmore", THEME."images/readmore.png");
set_image("edit", THEME."images/edit.png");
set_image("print", THEME."images/printer.png");
set_image("sticky", THEME."images/sticky.png");
set_image("new", THEME."images/new.png");
function render_page($license=false) {
global $settings, $main_style;
echo "<div class='$main_style' style='width:".THEME_WIDTH.";'>\n";
echo "<div class='floatfix'>\n";
echo "<div class='full-header floatfix'>\n";
echo"<div class='inner-container'>\n";
//echo"<div style=''>";
//require_once INFUSIONS."simple_header_login/login.php";
echo"<div class='banners'>".showbanners()."</div></div></div>\n";
echo "<div class='sub-header floatfix'>\n";
echo"<div class='inner-container'>";
echo "<div class='sub-links'>".showsublinks("","white")."</div>\n";
echo "<div class='sub-date'>".showsubdate()."</div>\n";
echo "</div></div></div>\n";
echo"<div class='inner-container'>";
if (LEFT) { echo "<div id='side-border-left'>".LEFT."</div>\n"; }
if (RIGHT) { echo "<div id='side-border-right'>".RIGHT."</div>\n"; }
echo "<div id='main-bg' class='clearfix'><div class=''>".U_CENTER.CONTENT.L_CENTER."</div></div>\n";
echo "<div class='footer'>\n";
echo "<div class='footer-links'>";
require_once THEME."includes/footer_links.php";
echo"<hr class='footerhr'></hr>";
echo "<div class='copyright'>\n";
echo stripslashes($settings['footer']);
echo "<br /><br />\n";
if ($license == false) { echo showcopyright()."\n"; }
if ($settings['visitorcounter_enabled'] !== '0') {
echo "<br /><br />\n"; }
echo showcounter()."\n";
if ($settings['visitorcounter_enabled'] == '0') {
echo "<br />\n"; }
if ($settings['rendertime_enabled'] =='1' || $settings['rendertime_enabled'] =='2') { echo"<br />".showrendertime();} else { echo"<br /><br />\n"; }
if ($settings['rendertime_enabled'] =='1' || $settings['rendertime_enabled'] =='2') { echo "<br /><br />\n"; }
echo"FP Crisp Ice Theme by <a href='http://www.fangree.com' target='_blank' title='Fangree Productions'>Fangree Productions</a>.\n";
echo "</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n";
//Render Comments Function
function render_comments($c_data, $c_info){
global $locale, $settings;
if (!empty($c_data)){
echo "<div class='comments floatfix'>\n";
if ($c_info['admin_link'] !== false) {
echo "<div class='floatfix'>\n";
echo "<div class='comment_admin'>".$c_info['admin_link']."</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
foreach($c_data as $data) {
$comm_count = "<a href='".FUSION_REQUEST."#c".$data['comment_id']."' id='c".$data['comment_id']."' name='c".$data['comment_id']."'>#".$data['i']."</a>";
echo "<div class='comment-main spacer'>\n";
echo "<div class='tbl2 clearfix floatfix'>\n";
if ($settings['comments_avatar'] == "1") { echo "<span class='comment-avatar'>".$data['user_avatar']."</span>\n"; }
echo "<span style='float:right' class='comment_actions'>".$comm_count."\n</span>\n";
echo "<span class='comment-name small'>".$data['comment_name']."</span>\n";
echo "<span class='small'>".$data['comment_datestamp']."</span> \n";
if ($data['edit_dell'] !== false) { echo "<span class='comment_actions'>".$data['edit_dell']."\n</span>\n"; }
echo "\n<div class='tbl2 comment_message'>".$data['comment_message']."</div>\n";
echo "</div></div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} else {
echo "<div class='nocomments-message spacer'>".$locale['c101']."</div>\n";
//Render News Function
function render_news($subject, $news, $info) {
global $locale, $settings, $aidlink;
if (file_exists(THEME."locale/".$settings['locale'].".php")) {
include THEME."locale/".$settings['locale'].".php";
} else {
include THEME."locale/English.php";
$breaking_news = 3600; //Breaking News Time (1 Hour/60 Mins/3600 Seconds)
opentable($subject.(time()-$info['news_date'] < $breaking_news ? " <span class='breaking-news'>".$locale['fpci_01']."</span>" :
($info['news_sticky'] == 1 ? "<img class='sticky-news' src='".get_image("sticky")."' title='S".$locale['fpci_02']."' alt='".$locale['fpci_02']."'/>" : "")));
echo" <div class='news-info'><img src='".get_image("author")."' alt='".$locale['global_070']." ".$info['user_name']."' title='".$locale['global_070'].$info['user_name']."' class='news-icons' /> ".profile_link($info['user_id'], $info['user_name'], $info['user_status']);
echo " <img src='".get_image("date")."' alt='".$locale['global_049']."".$locale['global_071']." ".showdate("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M", $info['news_date'])."' title='".$locale['global_049']." ".$locale['global_071'].showdate("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M", $info['news_date'])."' class='news-icons' /> ".showdate("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M", $info['news_date'])."\n";
echo " <img src='".get_image("reads")."' alt='".$info['news_reads']." ".$locale['global_074']."' title='".$info['news_reads']." ".$locale['global_074']."' class='news-icons' /> ".$info['news_reads']." ".$locale['global_074']."";
if ($info['news_allow_comments'] && $settings['comments_enabled'] == "1") { echo " <img src='".get_image("comments")."' alt='".$info['news_comments'].($info['news_comments'] == 1 ? $locale['global_073b'] : $locale['global_073'])."' title='".$info['news_comments'].($info['news_comments'] == 1 ? $locale['global_073b'] : $locale['global_073'])."' class='news-icons' /> <a href='".BASEDIR."news.php?readmore=".$info['news_id']."#comments'>".$info['news_comments'].($info['news_comments'] == 1 ? $locale['global_073b'] : $locale['global_073'])."</a>\n"; }
echo "<div class='flright clearfix'>\n";
echo "<a href='".BASEDIR."print.php?type=N&item_id=".$info['news_id']."'><img class='news-iconsb' src='".get_image("print")."' title='Print' alt='printer' /></a>\n";
if (iADMIN && checkrights("N")) {
echo " <a href='".ADMIN."news.php".$aidlink."&action=edit&news_id=".$info['news_id']."'><img class='news-iconsb' src='".get_image("edit")."' alt='".$locale['global_076']."' title='".$locale['global_076']."' border='0' /></a>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "<div class='news-body floatfix'>".$info['cat_image'].$news."</div>\n";
if ($info['news_ext'] == "y") { echo" <div class='news-infob'>";
echo" <a class='news-button' href='".BASEDIR."news.php?readmore=".$info['news_id']."'>".$locale['global_072']."</a>";
//Render Articles Function
function render_article($subject, $article, $info) {
global $locale, $settings, $aidlink;
echo" <div class='news-info'><img src='".get_image("author")."' alt='".$locale['global_070']." ".$info['user_name']."' title='".$locale['global_070'].$info['user_name']."' class='news-icons' /> ".profile_link($info['user_id'], $info['user_name'], $info['user_status']);
echo " <img src='".get_image("date")."'alt='".$locale['global_049']."".$locale['global_071']." ".showdate("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M", $info['article_date'])."' title='".$locale['global_049']." ".$locale['global_071'].showdate("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M", $info['article_date'])."' class='news-icons' /> ".showdate("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M", $info['article_date'])."\n";
echo " <img src='".get_image("reads")."' alt='".$info['article_reads']." ".$locale['global_074']."' title='".$info['article_reads']." ".$locale['global_074']."' class='news-icons' /> ".$info['article_reads']." ".$locale['global_074']."";
if ($info['article_allow_comments'] && $settings['comments_enabled'] == "1") { echo " <img src='".get_image("comments")."' alt='".$info['article_comments'].($info['article_comments'] == 1 ? $locale['global_073b'] : $locale['global_073'])."' title='".$info['article_comments'].($info['article_comments'] == 1 ? $locale['global_073b'] : $locale['global_073'])."' class='news-icons' /> <a href='".BASEDIR."articles.php?article_id=".$info['article_id']."#comments'>".$info['article_comments'].($info['article_comments'] == 1 ? $locale[ 'global_073b'] : $locale['global_073'])."</a>\n"; }
echo "<div class='flright clearfix'>\n";
echo "<a href='".BASEDIR."print.php?type=A&item_id=".$info['article_id']."'><img class='news-icons' src='".get_image("print")."' title='Print' alt='printer' /></a>\n";
if (iADMIN && checkrights("A")) {
echo "<a href='".ADMIN."articles.php".$aidlink."&action=edit&article_id=".$info['article_id']."'><img class='news-icons' src='".get_image("edit")."' alt='".$locale['global_076']."' title='".$locale['global_076']."' border='0' /></a>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "<div class='news-body floatfix'>".($info['article_breaks'] == "y" ? nl2br($article) : $article)."</div>\n";
echo" <div class='news-infob'>";
// opentable Function
function opentable($title) {
echo "<div class='capmain'>$title</div>\n";
echo "<div class='main-body2'>\n";
// closetable Function
function closetable() { echo "</div>\n"; }
// openside Function
function openside($title, $collapse = false, $state = "on") {
global $panel_collapse; $panel_collapse = $collapse;
echo "<div class='scapmain'>";
if ($collapse == true) {
$boxname = str_replace(" ", "", $title);
echo "<div style='float:right;'>".panelbutton($state,$boxname)."</div>";
echo $title."</div>\n<div class='side-body floatfix'>\n";
if ($collapse == true) { echo panelstate($state, $boxname); }
// closeside Function
function closeside($collapse = false) {
global $panel_collapse;
if ($panel_collapse == true) { echo "</div>\n"; }
echo "</div>\n\n";
Edytowane przez Kinderinho dnia 04.01.2015 21:17:57